Hershkowitz, Doron

Hershkowitz, Doron

Was born on April 27, 1979 in Karmiel, the eldest brother of Gil, and spent the first two years of his life with his parents and grandmother in the family home, Where he quickly integrated and participated in all activities out of great interest and curiosity. Doron was a smart and talented boy with a sharp and fast grasp. He began his studies at Eshkol Elementary School in Karmiel, quickly acclimated himself and became a good student. Throughout his years in elementary school, Doron studied with great seriousness and with respect for the teachers and everything that went on in the school. He never expressed dissatisfaction with the school and fulfilled all his duties. In the third grade he successfully passed the Hadassah exams and was recommended to participate once a week in the gifted school in Ma’alot, but he did not want to. When he was in the fifth grade, he joined the Kalanit tribe in the Scout movement and for two years participated in all the activities of the tribe. Doron graduated from the Ort Megadim High School in Karmiel with a great success in the management and accounting department. He quickly integrated and succeeded in his studies. Doron loved to study, loved school and participated happily in all school activities, trips and trips, parties and events. He had a sense of developed social justice, and a great sense of personal integrity. He always took under his wing non-conventional students, protected them, supported them, and helped them strengthen their status. A devoted son who loves his parents and a loyal brother who keeps the secret of his age. Doron was very loyal to his friends. He had various friends for every activity – friends, friends, and friends who used to talk to them about the army. He was a sports fan, loved to play basketball and soccer all his spare time and was a fan of the Maccabi Haifa football team. In 12th grade he went to Gadna Week in Sde Boker, and when he returned he began to talk about enlisting in the IDF and about his desire to volunteer for the Golani Brigade, and he thought he slept and ate only Golani. Clubs and discos, and he liked to dress in the latest fashion and to nurture himself.In November 1997, Doron enlisted in the IDF. He volunteered for the Golani Brigade and successfully passed the long combat route. During the course he broke his leg but gave up the rehabilitation of the leg and returned to his unit. At the end of the route he was placed in the auxiliary company of the 51st Battalion. Doron loved the service in the IDF, the company, his comrades and commanders. This happened when a Golani force encountered a Hizbullah ambush near a Katie bear in the security zone in southern Lebanon. Doron joined the pursuit of the terrorists, during which he was hit by the terrorists’ gunfire and was killed there. He was twenty years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Karmiel cemetery. Survived by his parents and brother. After his fall he was promoted to First Sergeant. The family published a booklet in his memory containing many pictures, memoirs and things written by the family and his many friends.

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