Heref, Shimon (Siegfried)

Heref, Shimon (Siegfried)

Shimon, son of Bruria and Moshe Heref, was born on November 18, 1914 in the city of Vikrat, Germany. True to the principles of Zionism, he fulfilled his aspirations in 1936 when he came to Israel. At first he was a member of a kibbutz in Binyamina and worked in the local quarry. In 1938 he moved to Bnei Brak, worked in various temporary jobs in order to support his wife and two children. In the years 1940-1946 he served in the police in the areas of Sharona and Wilhelma. With the end of World War II, he returned to work as a laborer until he joined the IDF, during which he served diligently and devotedly in the ranks of the Haganah, and after active work he participated in training and guarding. Shimon received military training in Ein Shemer and participated in operations in Latrun, Hulda and Ekron. He participated in the Dekel operation in the Galil. Shimon found a hiding position behind a rock, but was shot by an Arab who ambushed him a short distance away and he died on 3 Tamuz (11/07/1948) and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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