Heisler, Bezalel

Heisler, Bezalel

Son of Malka and Moshe, was born on September 1, 1928, in a village on the Polish-Czech border. Even as a child, he had stood out in his kindness and uncharacteristic cheerfulness. Bezalel attended elementary school and at the outbreak of World War II he was forced to stop his studies and was arrested for a whole year in a Nazi concentration camp. On the path of suffering suffered by the Jews of occupied Europe, his family was annihilated except for one brother who arrived in Palestine. With the eradication of Fascism in Europe, Bezalel joined one of the groups of immigrants and on the ship “Dov Hoz” arrived in the homeland on May 19, 1946. He called Israel, learned to love her, and joined the Hagana and was one of its supporters. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he enlisted with the other members of the Hagash unit in Ramat Gan, served in the Alexandroni Brigade and took part in many operations against the enemy, and despite his great suffering in the Nazi inferno, he was able to maintain his cheerfulness. He participated with his unit in the “Danny” operation, which took place in the Lod-Ramle area, and on the 12th of Tammuz 5708 (12.7.1948) he fell in battle at one of the outposts near Beit-Nabala. He was 20 years old.

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