Heiman, Moshe-Israel

Heiman, Moshe-Israel

Moshe-Israel, son of Esther-Menucha and Meir Heiman, was born on 19 June 1913 to an old family in Jerusalem. As a child, he was orphaned from his father and his mother gave him to Diskin in Jerusalem. Moshe-Israel was humble and honest, supported the institutions of Torah and established times for Torah. He married a wife, had a daughter and two sons. He was active in the “Tiferes Bachurim” organization and later in the Bnei Zion organization. During the 1936-1939 riots he joined the Haganah and fulfilled his obligation to protect Jewish Jerusalem. The years of the national struggle were the culmination of his aspirations to see a free and independent state for the people of Israel. During the War of Idependence, he gave up his freedom from dangerous service as a family man and volunteered for service in the army. He stood guard day and night against the enemy fire, and his family asked him to be careful. He replied, “Not everyone is obligated to live for seventy years, but the homeland must live for all of us and our generations.” On June 4, 1948, while standing guard, he was hit by an enemy shell and fell. Moseh-Israel was laid to eternal rest in the Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem.

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