Heiling, Yaakov (Kubek)

Heiling, Yaakov (Kubek)

Son of Yerachmiel and Glicka. Born on the 2nd of Tishrei, September 16, 1947, in Szczecin, Poland. The family immigrated to Israel in 1957, after a lot of wandering and suffering. Yaakov studied at the Dror elementary school in Haifa. His technical efforts, combined with his passion for books, led him to a successful completion of his studies in the field of building technicians. He was a source of help and encouragement to his parents. He often went to the theater, and was interested in plays and art. Hebrew literature also interested him. He attended various lectures, and was inclined to know everything that was going on in Israel and abroad, including innovations in science, politics, etc. On the subjects he dealt with, he had strong views. In his profession (building engineering) he delved deeply into it. He followed innovations in the field of architecture, and even planned to continue his studies in this field. He had a developed sense of aesthetics, things that helped him design various objects in his parents’ home. His connections with his friends were sincere and courageous. He was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in November 1967. On the 26th of Cheshvan, November 17, 1968 he fell while serving on the coastal road near Yakum Ya’akov. The cammander wrote, in a letter to his parents, that he was among the first soldiers to volunteer for every operation and activity in the service of the army. Yaakov was a good and disciplined soldier, who was admired by his comrades and commanders. In order to participate fully in the defense establishment, Yaakov fulfilled his role faithfully. He successfully completed the course of the platoon commander who transferred them to the ranks of the IDF commanders.

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