Heib, Muhammad

Heib, Muhammad

Son of Said. He was born in 1928 in Israel. The air of the country breathed and its atmosphere grew, and all the bloody events passed, and the declaration of the state, and even before it, linked its fate with the Jewish settlement. He was only eighteen years old when he enlisted in the unit of Sheikh Abu Yusuf, fought on several fronts and especially against Syria under the command of Yigal Allon. After the establishment of the State of Israel, he was released and returned to agricultural work and to herding sheep. He joined the regular army at the beginning of September 1968, and during his seventeen days in the regular army, Muhammad proved himself to be an exemplary and courageous soldier and was loved and accepted by his comrades-in-arms, as his commander noted in his letter of condolence to his parents. But on September 19, 1968, Muhammad, with the rank of sergeant in the Jordan Valley, fell in a clash with saboteurs. He left a wife, seven daughters and one son. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery, in the Beit Netofa valley. At the funeral, the men in the family declared that the Al Haib tribe had made a bloody pact with the Jews and the State of Israel. “This is a war and every war has victims,” ​​said the al-Heib tribe, many of whom were wearing uniforms when they came to share the last honor with Muhammad. The commander of the minorities unit said eulogies by his grave, and the officer of the Acco district brought the government’s word to the bereaved family.

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