Hefetz, Yosef

Hefetz, Yosef

Yosef, son of Malka and Eliyahu Hefetz, was born in Jerusalem on January 16, 1929. He studied at a Talmud Torah and an elementary school in Jerusalem and later went to work as a shoemaker. Yosef was a member of the Irgun underground and participated in its activities against the British in Jerusalem. In one of the Irgun operations in Sheikh Jarrah, he was seriously wounded by a stray bullet in his thigh and was brought to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus where he underwent surgery. Two weeks passed and he was still not properly recovered. He demanded that he be taken out of the hospital and his request was fulfilled. He returned to his unit and on the seventh day of Passover, 21 Nisan, April 30, 1948, in the besieged Mazkeret Moshe neighborhood, Yosef was killed by a bullet in the head. He was buried in the cemetery in Sanhedria.

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