Hecker, Isaac

Hecker, Isaac

Was born in March 1920 in Koversdorf (one of the seven oldest Jewish communities in Burglund that had been annexed to Austria after the First World War and developed a traditional Jewish life of many generations.) Yitzhak studied in an elementary school and Talmud Torah After the Nazis took control of Austria, he was uprooted from the land of his orchard and in December 1938 he immigrated to Israel on the “Eli.” In 1940, he enlisted in the British army to avenge the Nazis’ He fought in Tobruk and was transferred to Greece where he was captured by the Germans, and in 1945 he returned to Israel and began working The electric company in Haifa, and later in Naharayim, on the first day of Israel’s independence, he stood opposite the Legion soldiers and kissed him in the hand.Two young men managed to escape when the Legion conquered Naharayim and he continued to transfer weapons and equipment to Israeli territory, 16.5.1948) and was buried in Tiberias. On the 16th of Sivan 5706 (1.6.1950) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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