Hecht, Aryeh

Hecht, Aryeh

Son of Rivka and Shlomo. He was born in 1912 in Lvov, Galicia. He studied at the university and immigrated to Israel in 1936 with the intention of continuing his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, but after his arrival in Israel, he chose to go to Rehovot to do agricultural work there. At the same time, he was active in the Haganah and participated as a guard in the days of the bloody riots. On 15 Elul, September 11, 1938, he returned from work in an orchard and then received a message from several of his fellow guards that they should join the group of workers of the Israel Electric Corporation, which was leaving for work in the area. At 6:00 pm, an Arab gang near the village of Masmiyeh attacked the truck in which the workers were traveling and also the escort of the guards. Two of the workers were killed, along with four of the guards, Aryeh among them. He was laid to rest in the Rehovot cemetery.

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