Hayoun, Salman

Hayoun, Salman

Son of Avraham and Miriam (Lydia). He was born on 19.4.1955 in Ramle. Was the eldest son of a well-to-do family that struggled hard to make a living. He studied at the Sinai religious elementary school in Ramle. He also managed to study for one year at a comprehensive high school in the area, but was forced to contribute to the burden of helping his family’s agriculture, especially since his father suffered from serious illnesses. Helped his father sell vegetables on the market, and some – despite his youth – managed his own business. However, he also found time to engage in sports – in soccer and wrestling. He had a variety of sports equipment with which to develop his muscles, but his living conditions did not allow him to join a sports association and to compete formally. He was active in social life and liked his friends. In November 1973, Salman was drafted into the IDF, where he took a truck driving course, was assigned to the Armored Corps and successfully completed a course as a half-track driver. About a year after his enlistment in the IDF – on October 31, 1974 – he fell in the line of duty and his large family lost a beloved son and brother in distress and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Ramla, Five sisters and four brothers, and his commander wrote to the bereaved parents: “For about a year Salman served in his unit. During this period of time he stood with all the soldiers in the unit in difficult trials and trials, bore the brunt of security and took part in difficult missions. Salman stood out in his willingness to cooperate fully with his commanders and friends and did everything he was entrusted with faithfully and devotedly. He was admired by his commanders and accepted among the soldiers of the unit, who gained their full trust without hesitation. “

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