Havered, Rachamim

Havered, Rachamim

Son of Sarah and Menahem, was born on the 1st of Tishrei, 5727 (October 1, 1926) in Aden. The family immigrated to Israel in 1931, at the age of five, and settled in Tel Aviv. From his youth, he aspired to life in the kibbutz and had just finished the elementary school, fulfilling his wish, and he was a fourteen-year-old boy. Rahamim went on a training course at Kibbutz Shefayim, then to Yagur and Sde Nahum. From there he joined the Kibbutz Hulta and worked there in a cowshed and fishing. When the War of Independence broke out, he was drafted into the Palmach, accompanied by convoys and participated in sabotage operations in the Hulda area and in the first raid on the Castel on the first vacation he received, called the “Ice Action” against the Ice Factory in Yazur, (20.2.1948). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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