Havals, Gadi

Havals, Gadi

Their eldest son is Eli and Ruth. Born on October 15, 1946 in Haifa, Gadi entered the school more developed than his peers and became a leader among his friends, but it was difficult for him to acclimatize to society and find a friend who would understand his spirit. And then continued on to them until the end of his studies at the Be’eri School, and after completing his elementary studies, he moved to the educational institution at Kibbutz Mizra, where he became a prominent figure in his society. His main hobby was archeology and he was looking for antiques He discovered a great collection of antiquities and coins, and soon discovered that he was very knowledgeable about these subjects, and during his search he traveled extensively in Israel, but when he did not find satisfaction, he spent his weekends fishing, After completing his basic training course, he took the paratroop course and entered the officers’ course. When he returned to his battalion, he became the platoon commander. He was serious in his work and thanks to his intellectual and commanding abilities, he stood out from the rest of the commanders and was sent to be the commander of the UAVs and sergeants, and he himself was a sergeant, and when he reached the age of serious sabotage, Gadi sat quietly on his vacation. At the end of the war, the Six Day War broke out, and during the days of alert he did not leave his base “lest he lose the war.” He sat and apparently waited for the order to go into battle. Davar, on the first day of the battles, is on the 6th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), near the Hirbat Zitu bridge Near the Gaza Strip, he took command, after his two commanders fell, and under the hail of fire he led his platoon to the target. – the cancer, he was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later moved to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa.

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