Hauser, Doron

Hauser, Doron

Son of Friedrich and Hilda, a descendant of a family of rabbis. Born on 15 March 1956 in Tel Aviv, he studied at the elementary school of Kalir and son of-Yehuda, and continued in the local high school of the city in the biological track. In every situation, even the most difficult, Doron was able to say the right and encouraging word, and his relationship with the old generation was remarkable: he fulfilled the mitzvah of “honoring an old man” not only towards his grandparents , And thus established close contact with the famous poet and writer, Colonel Ze’ev, who loved the boy passionately, and from his youth he discovered a talent for painting. And he has developed his sense of aesthetics and has shown his affection for the animals, who treated them with dedication and patience, learned to play piano and guitar – From sports he found a special challenge in learning the secrets of self-defense – karate – during the summer vacations he worked as a guide at children’s camps, which they loved, because he delighted them with his playing, his paintings and his joie de vivre. In the summer of 1974, after graduating from high school, Doron was drafted into the IDF, and his rapid adaptability helped him in the sharp transition from school to the rigid new framework. But he was forced to abandon the hope that he would be a pilot, but he remained in the Air Force, retraining for a course for load inspectors and finishing with an excellent grade, and his personal instructor wrote about Doron: “A fast-paced, thoughtful, Himself, and was not afraid to express his opinion or even reach a confrontation when he was convinced that he was right. He faced challenges with great seriousness and great will. Indeed, he managed to stand up to them. He wanted very much to succeed in his role as a superintendent, and indeed, during the flight, he worked quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, coolly, confidently, and calmly. A week after completing the course and rising to the rank of sergeant, Doron participated in an exercise of the Hercules, one of the exercises that trained the corps to perform tasks such as rescuing the Entebbe abductors, but this time the plane did not succeed. He fell in the course of his duties on the 25th of Kislev 5736 (November 25, 1975) and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and sister. Doron wrote to the bereaved family: “His relatively brief period in the unit was sufficient for us to know him well and appreciate his qualities as a handsome and Yaffa-minded, proud and diligent man.”

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