Hassin, David (Dudi)
Was born on March 29, 1928 in Haifa, to a family in the pioneering Jewish community, and grew up in his high school in Haifa, where he studied at the Reali School in Haifa, He joined the “HaNoar HaOved” movement, devoted himself to the action, and joined the “HaNoar HaOved” movement. Cultural and organizational organization and soon became one of the pillars of the movement and was active in the Hagana from his early youth As part of his training Hg”m (extended physical education) and Youth Battalions. In 1946, after completing the exams of high school, was recruited for training the Palmach and “Amal” group was among the founders went to Ashdot Ya’akov. Where they prepared for settlement while performing defense duties. He spent his spare time studying biology and biochemistry. He also devoted his time to public work among the members of his training. His character was forged there and he was recognized as an “unclaimed leader” in society. His commanders and instructors in the area defined his personality: “Serious, honest, responsible, diligent and persistent, ready for every call, first burst, pioneer, sweeping his friends with him, aware of what is going on in Israel.” During the struggle against the British, he took part in Hagana activities against the British Mandate, in demonstrations, in raising illegal immigrants, and in helping them. In response to the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to partition the country in the fall of 1947, he took part in the conquest of Sasa and the defense of Ein Zeitim, Safed and its environs. When he was offered another responsible role in organizing the convoys to Jerusalem, he did not want to leave the area and said that he “can not leave because he feels that the battle here will be difficult.” He worked in the fortifications, On April 24, 1948. He was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Safed.