Hassan, Mordechai (“Moti”)

Hassan, Mordechai (“Moti”)

Son of Avraham and Gina. He was born on 17.4.1947 in the city of Koms in Libya. The family immigrated to Israel in 1950. In Givat Olga he attended a religious school and graduated there, and then studied and graduated from the Tachkemoni High School in Hadera. He was attentive and serious, trying to absorb the material of study and to add knowledge and wisdom. There had never been a complaint of any discrimination. Was active in sports and other circles. In August 1966, he was drafted into the IDF, and after completing basic training he learned tank commanders’ course at the Armored Corps School, but Mordecai did not finish the course on 26.6.1967, the first day of the Six-Day War, Who was buried in the military emergency cemetery in Bari and later transferred to eternal rest in the Hadera cemetery.

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