Harpaz, Liron

Harpaz, Liron

A daughter of Ernie and Arik. Born on 20.9.1982 in Ashkelon, sister of Chen and Shani, at the age of eight, the family moved to Eli Sinai, where she studied at Sha’ar Hanegev Elementary School in Sderot and graduated with honors from the Ironi Alef High School She studied in the media and literature department and received a grade of 100. Liron, or the lyricist by her many friends and friends, read books on various subjects and wrote many of her own songs and illustrated them in her paintings. Her heart was open to all that was happening in her surroundings, her desire to contribute to society was intense, and that was also the thing By the route chosen to serve – golf teachers-soldiers. In August 2001 Liron enlisted in the IDF and during the course of her basic training she demonstrated leadership skills, loved to help and help her friends, and was a personal example of them. In one of her many songs, “Give Me a Day,” she asks: “I have a day of happiness / I have a day without restrictions / Give me a day without end, Give me a day full of illusions / Give a smile at the end of the fight / Give a caress after the screen is lowered. // I have a day of happiness / And I have no more shame Let me have a day without news / Give me a day without disasters / And give one little smile before we all sleep. // Because I have a day of happiness / day “Give me a day like this and do not let the time drive forward / leave me yesterday, and give a little smile before we all go to sleep.” On the day of Tishrei 5761 (2 October 2001) Liron was killed with her first friend in a terrorist attack when A terrorist infiltrated the settlement of Elei Sinai and shot in all directions, and Liron was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Ashkelon. She was nineteen when she died. Liron’s family works to commemorate her in various ways: dozens of her poems were published in a book that was published. Many artists composed and sang Liron’s songs. These songs have been added to the disc. The family founded a memorial organization, in the framework of which an internet site was established in its name, where one can read its poems and listen to songs, light a candle in its memory and learn about the activities of the association. The family contributes to daycare centers for children and thus continues Liron’s activities with children from hard-working families.

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