Harari, Gil

Harari, Gil

Gil (Gili), son of Mathilde (Molly) and Avdo (Edward), was born on February 28, 1953 in Cairo, Egypt, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1957. He attended elementary school – Gordon in Holon and at the Tel-Nordau School in Tel Aviv, then graduated from the Hulda High School, Gil was a good and persistent student and was loved by his teachers for taking the studies seriously and seriously. The members of the basketball team of Hapoel Hulda, but he was also enthusiastic about the game of soccer and knew hundreds of records and achievements in the field of sports, and he liked to watch movies and read books in many fields. He was able to listen to music, to songs and especially to the songs of the Kaveret band, Gil had an excellent memory, and in his memory he had accumulated details in various fields, and he was able to connect with many people on various matters. He was courteous and patient with patience and patience, and every man knew how to turn courteously and courteously, careful not to hurt or anger him, he was not picky and liked simplicity, but he was meticulous in his actions. All the work he did, he did with faith and with great care. He had a thin, witty sense of humor; He liked to joke and he could say jokes at the right time and place. Gil was drafted into the IDF in early November 1971. He initially volunteered to serve in the naval commando, but was assigned to the Golani Brigade, where he was an outstanding trainee. He was an excellent sergeant, responsible and devoted to his job, and his platoon was the most disciplined and organized department in the company. He was not meticulous about discipline but demanded precise execution, was very fond of his subordinates and had a friend and confidant. He was one of the members of the basketball team who participated in the IDF championship, and was awarded the “Operational Service Award” for his part in operational activities, when the Yom Kippur War broke out with members of his unit to the front in the Golan Heights On October 20, 1973, Gil was killed in a battle near Mazra’at-Beit-Jan, where a missile hit him in the head and he was killed on the spot and brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind a father, mother and brother.

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