Har-Tal (Helbzeit), Aryeh

Har-Tal (Helbzeit), Aryeh

Aryeh, son of Bella and Shimon, was born on the 22nd of Tishrei 5710 (22.10.1949) in Tel Aviv. He attended the “Dan” elementary school and the Alliance high school in Tel Aviv, in the real world. Aryeh was a diligent student, diligent and loved by his teachers and friends. Moro wrote about him: “There was diversity, intellectual curiosity and an aspiration to understand the roots of things, and his opinions and statements were surprising and original.” He was part of a delegation of high school students who had gone on a study tour in France. Aryeh was a member of the Scout movement and was a sports fan, and mainly liked athletics and swimming. He took a course in amateur rescuers and a course for professional rescuers and graduated cum laude. He also graduated from the course for radio enthusiasts with honors. Aryeh was optimistic and could inspire optimism and confidence around him. He loved to work and was not deterred by any work, and whatever he did, he did most efficiently, with great willingness, with dedication and a strong desire to achieve perfection. He had a quick perception; He was interested in many areas and very thoroughly. Aryeh was drafted into the IDF in early November 1967 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training, he took part in a training course for Armored Corps instructors, a course for infantry commanders, officers and officers. He was a serious officer whose success was very important to him, a good friend to every soldier in his department, and a dear and devoted friend to his fellow officers ” . He was awarded the Operational Service Award for his part in operational activities. For a few months he was among those serving in the career army. After his discharge from the army, he continued his studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the real track. He was a broad-minded man and a brilliant conversationalist who was able to entertain the time of his many friends. He was by nature a serious man, a serious man, and was therefore a good counselor in difficult times and complicated matters. He was endowed with surgical ability and fine diagnosis. Aryeh was a man of morality, a conscience, truthful, honest and frank. He loved his family very much. He had a loyal son, a devoted husband and a loving father. When his father-in-law died, his father-in-law had a brother and a brother. On the first day of the Yom Kippur War he was promoted to captain. On the 17th of Tishrei 5734 (17.10.1973) Aryeh fell in battle in the area of ​​Jaba, in an enclave on the Golan Heights. He got out of his tank to check for a malfunction in the communications network in one of the tanks. A shell hit him and he was killed on the spot. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife and daughter, father, mother and sister. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Aryeh was gone and we are gone.

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