Hamza, Salman

Hamza, Salman

Ben Tufha and Zidan Ali Hamoud. He was born on 10.5.1969 in the village of Julis. Salman was the son of a large Druze family, with nine sons and daughters. He grew up in the village of the head of the Druze community in Israel, Sheikh Amin Tarif zt “l Salman was a diligent and diligent student who excelled in his pleasant ways, attended the elementary school in his village and graduated with honors from the comprehensive school in the village of Yirka , During his studies he was a member of the Scouts and Gadna movement and was active in donating his village to the Ilan Foundation for disabled children and the Israel Cancer Association. He was accepted by his friends, teachers, and acquaintances. Salman was drafted into the IDF in August 1988. He was a disciplined and loyal soldier who was very close to his family and loved his military service, and since his two brothers served in the Border Police, he could not be drafted, but he chose to wear He planned to go to a course for commanders and later officers’ course. Indeed, he was a candidate for a class commanders’ course in August 1989. On May 5, 1989, Salman fell during his service and was buried in the military section of the cemetery in his village Julis. Survived by a crippled father, mother and eight brothers and sisters – Joseph, Salim, Nassib, Asraf, Sadek, Ilana, Amiri and Anisa.

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