Hamdan, Talia

Hamdan, Talia

Son of Naifah and Salah. He was born on 31.12.1977 in Isfiya. He joined the IDF on March 26, 1997, as a driver. Talia loved his work in the army, and was responsible, meticulous and punctual. On 30.8.2003, travelers from Kiryat Motzkin discovered Talia’s body in the Carmel Forest. It iwas located about 25 meters from his broken vehicle and its windows have been shattered. Two days after Talia was killed, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades issued a leaflet and took responsibility for the murder, and Sergeant Major Talia Hamdan fell in the line of duty on 30 August 2003. He was twenty-six years old when he fell. He is buried in the military cemetery in Isfiya. He left behind his parents, five brothers and a sister, and his family wrote on his gravestone: “We will remember you forever, family and friends.”

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