Hamami, Yehuda

Hamami, Yehuda

Yehuda, son of Naomi and Shalom, was born on December 15, 1952 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Torat Moshe elementary school in the Hatikva neighborhood, where his family lived. Afterward, he completed his studies in a yeshiva in Acre and at the Azata High School in Ashkelon, where he studied for three years. Yehuda was kind and pleasant. He was a devoted and loyal friend and was willing to help a friend at any time, even if it involved difficulties or discomfort. He was an honest man who pursued righteousness and truth, behaved in the spirit of the Jewish tradition according to which he grew up and was educated. He loved his studies and after a day of school he continued to study mainly in religious studies. Yehudah had many ambitions and a strong desire to achieve them. He was not deterred by obstacles and managed to overcome them because of his great seriousness, his diligence and his basic and mature approach to every problem. He was a vigorous young man and hated idleness. After completing his studies, he worked as a carpenter and painter in various places. Even when he came home for his military service, he spent most of his time working to help support the family. Yehuda was known for his modesty, which sometimes reached shyness. He liked to read and especially read military literature, which dealt with the heroic wars of the Jewish people. He was also a sports enthusiast and excelled at long distances. He participated in the three-day march in the Jerusalem hills and the Ashkelon march . Yehuda was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1971 and volunteered for the Golani infantry brigade, and after completing basic training, he underwent a battalion training course and was sent to the First Pioneers Battalion, and he was very successful in his military service, He managed to overcome the difficulties of training and operational activity and devoted his free time to learning and memorizing the course material, but he did not mention his army activities, even though he was very proud of his unit and his team. The fighters of the Golani Brigade’s “First Battalions” regiment took part in fierce battles The battle against the Syrian forces in the Golan Heights was fought against a Syrian force that took place on the 9th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973) in the area of the village of Nafach, and was brought to eternal rest in the Mount of Olives cemetery in Jerusalem. survived by Five sisters and a brother who was promoted to the rank of sergeant,

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