Halva, Isaac

Halva, Isaac

Son of Yosef and Tzipora. He was born on the 30th of March 1947 in Tel Aviv. After completing his studies at the “Hayarden” elementary school in the Hatikva neighborhood as an outstanding student, he attended the Ironi Alef High School in evening classes. He tended to sports and especially loved football. However, due to the poor family situation, he was forced to leave his studies and began working in frameworks, thus helping to attract the burden of earning a living. In November 1965 he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for the paratroopers – in which case the parents were unable to persuade him to refrain from volunteering for his army service. To a fighting unit, for the love of the homeland burned within him and an inner impulse led him to such a proposal. (6 June 1967), was killed in a battle in the village of Shen near Shikh Zweid in Sinai, was buried in the military cemetery For an emergency in Bari, and after a while he was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and his unit commander notes that after he fell in the condolence letter to the family as a diligent soldier “who did everything he had to do efficiently and with dedication.”

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