Halperin, Mordekhai (Mundek)

Halperin, Mordekhai (Mundek)

Was born on April 23, 1915 in the city of Lvov, Galicia, Poland, from which he had suffered from physical and physical suffering for many years, until after a long and difficult medical treatment, he returned to his natural state. Until the age of 13, he became accustomed to loneliness, and was always attentive to the feelings of others, serious, dedicated to Lev and soul, and faithful to his inner consciousness. In 1935 he moved to Eretz Israel and volunteered among the pioneers for pioneering work in the Hachshara hachshara Where he established a private mountainous settlement on behalf of the “El Hahar” company, and then spent three years in the “Hanoar Hazioni” group in Magdiel, and when he came to know the idea of ​​”Hashomer Hatzair” He joined the “BaMaleh” kibbutz and together with him immigrated to settle in Dalia, and for five years he was inclined to build the agriculture and society, but he did not find his place there, and in 1944 he moved to Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, where he became involved in the field of beekeeping and agriculture, Married a wife and his happiness grew when he had a son. But did not enjoy much of his happiness. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he served as a commander in charge of defending the place and fell during the Egyptian assault on May 19, 1948. Mordecai was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Yad Mordechai.

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