Halley, Alon

Halley, Alon

Ben Dalia and Nachshon. Was born on the 30th of Tammuz, June 30, 1974 in Afula The summer of 1974 was a hot summer, and the whole country was still licking the wounds of the Yom Kippur War.In the middle of this summer, Alon – the fifth child in his family – was born to his parents and a younger brother to his four sisters – Ella, Lilach, Siegel, and Sharon, as if God’s kiss sent him to our world, golden hair, green-gray eyes, delicate skin that sunbathing nicely. Shows a sensitivity to those around him, a child holding a mother’s hand and squeezing it lightly to indicate that he wants something, and says: “I never got angry at him, and if I ever picked up the The family lived in the staff’s quarters near the Haemek Hospital in Afula, which was his kingdom – the home, the garden, the swimming pool and the hiding places in the shade of the big trees – sometimes even beyond the fence, the grove and the slopes of the mountain. The fields of the valley and its settlements are still the valley where everyone knows everyone, and here Alon meets special characters, participates in the gymnastics club at Dubi Sarid, practices swimming at Ginegar’s pool, Noah’s, and later rides on Yossi’s farm in Kfar Yehezkel. A special relationship was created between Alon, the delicate boy, and Yossi’s rooted and rough character in China. The Alon Yizrael Elementary School in Afula introduced Alon with other children and expanded his world. His class was characterized by a large group of “old people” like him. Elementary school days are days of curiosity, discovery, and a sense of responsibility. “Love at first sight was then in second grade,” says his teacher. “This kind of child we teachers wish ourselves not only in class, but also at home.” Alon joins a tour group of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. With the same group of children – even when they became boys – he plows all corners of the country, led by the guide – works. This is for him the most meaningful framework in his youth, in which he exhausts his love for nature, open space, and the effort of walking fast. The highlight is the night, in which he sets the fire on fire, gets ready to prepare the dish for him and his friends, and the fire and society fade, curling up in a sleeping bag under the starry night sky. Another framework that accompanies him in his youth is the youth orchestra, where he played the trumpet. Apart from the weekly rehearsals and performances at local events, the orchestra performs in many ceremonies and events throughout the country. Alon also participates in the orchestra’s travels to Germany and the United States. In high school, Alon studied at the Ben-Gurion School in Afula, where he worked in the Bibi Gershuni farm in Nahalal, where he struggles with hard physical labor and meets with the farmer’s anxieties about his crops, crops and prices, learns to drive a tractor And to work on it, meets other workers – immigrants from Russia and residents of a neighboring Arab village, earning money for trips and diving, and also saving him a trip to Greece, where he left with his good friend Guy before enlisting in the IDF. Elon is invited to take part in various examinations, including an examination for a course for captains, but after the success of the exam, in a visual examination, it turns out that color blindness invalidates him. This limitation also imposes several other possibilities in the army. At the end of March 1993, Alon enlisted in the IDF. Service in this framework requires activity in small frameworks, resourcefulness and responsibility. “Alon was the most sought after commodity in this profession – credibility.” Alon served in the unit for more than two years,And filled it with a prestigious and challenging role. After two years in the army, Alon began planning his plans for the days after the service – for work, for a trip and for studies. The summer of 1995 was a summer filled with hopes and dreams. In the middle of this summer, Alon and his friends celebrate his twenty-first birthday on a summer night on the beach. Everything looked so rosy … The next day, dreams and hopes were cut off. In a fatal car accident, his two friends, Lieutenant Guy Svetlit and Sergeant Shay Davidov, were killed and Alon was transferred to Haemek Hospital in Afula, where he was slightly injured. A failed medical treatment complicated his condition and led to his death, on the 9th of Tammuz 5755 (9.7.1995). He was twenty-one years old and a day was at his death. Alon was laid to rest in the cemetery on Kibbutz Sha’ar Ha’amakim. Survived by his parents and four sisters. After his death he was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. On the first anniversary of Alon’s death, a memorial evening was held at the Mann Auditorium in Afula. It was played by members of the orchestra, which was one of its musicians during his studies; A film with pictures from Alon’s album was screened, with the camera meeting places, landscapes and people, through which the image of Alon was visible; Sharon, Alon’s sister, together with Zohar Shapira, expressed the longing and the shock over the loss of the brother, and David D’Or responded to the family’s request and played the songs from the CD David and Solomon. And all we have to do is to weep this pleasant young man, to lament the flower that will not bear fruit. The dance was completed by his dancing sister, Sharon, with the words: “When your beautiful smile comes to my eyes / / The salty tears wash over me.” And when your soft voice touches – / A soft whimper and chokes me. You dance with me / And my soul meets with yours / And the dance is great – And the pain is mixed with love, / I wish this dance never stops! ” On the second anniversary of his death, the family published a booklet in memory of Alon.

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