Halevi (Shukri), Alon

Halevi (Shukri), Alon

Son of Jonah and Judah. He was born on 12 August 1970 in Even Yehuda, where he completed his elementary studies at the Shabazi School in Even Yehuda, where he studied for two years at the Nahalim elementary school in Petach Tikvah and completed his studies at the Center He was a member of the youth club working in his settlement, participated in ping-pong games, on trips and trips, was swimming and surfing, and he loved adventure. Alon was drafted into the IDF, and was drafted into the IDF. In the middle of August 1988. His aspiration to reach the Paratroopers Brigade did not materialize, due to lack of room in the brigade, and after basic training he was assigned to the Artillery Corps. He took a course in battery control at Shivta and integrated into his unit and profession. On the 24th of Sivan 5749 (24.6.1989) he fell during his service and was laid to rest in the military section of the Even Yehuda cemetery. Survived by his parents, brother and sister – Yuval and Ilanit. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Alon was a good friend of his friends on the rampart, loved to leave the area as part of his job.

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