Halabi, Tawfiq Naif

Halabi, Tawfiq Naif

Tawfiq Naif, son of Moheiba and Naif Hanizash Halabi, was born in 1927 in the village of Daliyat al-Carmel. He served in the special minority unit for the Druze. During Operation “Hiram” for the liberation of the Western Galilee, the unit fought under the command of the Oded Brigade, which operated in the western sector of the operation. The Druze unit took control of Yanu, but due to faults in the connection, it did not accept the withdrawal order. Tawfiq Naif fell in battle on October 29, 1948, and was buried the next day in the battlefield. On November 30, 1954, he was laid to rest at the Druze cemetery in the village of Isfiya on Mount Carmel.

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