Hakim, Yaron (Roni)

Hakim, Yaron (Roni)

Son of Ovadia and Hilda. He was born on 15.8.1958 in Haifa. When he was three, he left the country, together with his mother, and joined his father who worked in Ethiopia. He spent two years in the city of Asmara, and when his family moved to Addis Ababa he began to study there in English school. Within a short time he was fluent in English, in the local language and in the Hebrew language, because at home his parents spoke Hebrew. When he was twelve years old, he wanted to move to the Israeli school and despite the difficulties in obtaining the level of material he learned, he quickly acclimated and became an outstanding student. He celebrated his Bar Mitzvah day in Ethiopia and even read the weekly Torah portion without fault. In 1971 he returned with his parents to Israel and asked to attend the Gymnasium Herzliya. He encountered many difficulties in his efforts to be a regular student, because he had not studied any of his subjects in the past. With diligence, perseverance, and determined will he got the blanks to complete his knowledge and fit into his class. He also quickly integrated into the social framework because he was kind, honest, humble and diligent. He was polite in his manner, quiet, pleasant and fair in his attitude to others. He was an outstanding athlete, played tennis and engaged in sea-related activities. He loved the sea and a lot of swimming and diving, Ronny loved classical music and listened to it a lot. He also loved light music, but he was meticulous in his taste, and only poems with a message and artistic value interested him. Roni was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in late October 1975. He volunteered for a pilot’s course for medical reasons and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade, which required a corps of engineers. , A course in industrial engineering, a rubber boat commander’s course, and a diving instructor who was trained as a sniper, a good soldier, devoted and responsible, never complained of exhaustive training, sleepless nights and difficult operational activities. He did not like, but he did his job impeccably, and he advanced to the rank of sergeant. In his capacity he became a commander of a unit in his unit. In a letter of condolence to his bereaved parents, his commander wrote: “Few of the soldiers I tell myself have the right to command them.” Yaron was among those few, quiet, somewhat shy but with qualities that made him the pillar of his column. He has extensive professional knowledge, command ability and high training. He served as a member of the National Guard, was responsible, prepared, organized and protected the rights of his subordinates, and he is winking from material that is not disappointing, capable of facing challenges, fighting them and winning. ” On March 15, 1978, during Operation Litani, Roni took part in a search and purification operation in one of the villages in the area of ​​the enemy, while Roni was wounded by terrorists and killed. “Sergeant-Yaron was an excellent soldier, modest, industrious, diligent, exemplary and loved by all his acquaintances. Yaron was loyal to the family tradition and like his predecessor, Eliyahu, z “l, volunteered for all the tasks that were assigned to his unit.” His family commemorated his name in a booklet he published in his memory.

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