Hajaj, Eliyahu

Hajaj, Eliyahu

Eliahu, son of Turkey and Attia, was born on July 20, 1953, in Moshav Yatzitz, to a well-to-do family, where he studied at the religious state school in the moshav. Elem was an active and active member of the youth in the moshav, and he taught them patience, patience, and help. He loved the country and its landscapes and toured and toured it, not on land in a region that did not know well and did not study its flora and fauna. When he was about to enlist, he insisted that they send him to a pre-military course, and that he was able to convince the IDF authorities to send him to the course. Eliahu was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-May 1972 and immediately assigned to the Armored Corps, where he successfully completed a portable fueling course and served as a fuel tanker driver, and he fulfilled his duties with great dedication and loyalty. And his younger brothers drank thirstily for his stories about service in the IDF and his friends in the moshav, who also served in the IDF, shared with him their experiences in the matter and with pleasure, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out Eli was with His unit was on the southern front, and he was in a terrible war for fourteen days, carrying his precious cargo And dangerous to every corner they needed there, with heavy shelling and rain of missiles, and drove the tanker to the tank and brought the precious liquid to the tanks and the fighting vehicle On October 19, 1973, he came upon me with heavy shelling near the bridges Who was brought to rest on the Mount of Olives cemetery, left behind his parents and eleven brothers and sisters, and was promoted to the rank of corporal in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family. Please take my sincere sympathy for the fall of Eli. Eli served as a driver in the battalion and fell on the 14th day of the war, near the bridges on the Suez Canal. Eli spent the whole war with us and was a soldier and a model friend. We, the commanders and soldiers of the unit, silently and reverently bear his memory. As the parents of Eli, I can say one thing – Blessed is the son you raised. “The family donated a Torah scroll to the synagogue in Moshav Yatzitz, in memory of Eli,

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