Haimovitz, Avraham

Haimovitz, Avraham

Avraham, son of Bilha and Shimon, was born in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, May 23, 1947. When he was three years old, his family moved to Kfar Netter, where he studied at the Weizmann elementary school in Kfar Yehoshua, He studied at the Ruppin Regional High School in Emek Hefer, in the biological track, and he had a delicate and sensitive soul, with the qualities of an artist who found a way to express his own feelings in his own special ways. For seven years he played the violin and was known for his excellent playing, and the experiences he experienced were reflected in the photographs he painted, and the collection of paintings he left behind expresses the special way he saw the echo Avraham was drafted into the IDF in early September 1965 and volunteered for the Armored Corps after failing to fulfill his ambition to be a pilot. After basic training he was trained as a tank gunner and after serving in this position, he successfully completed a tank commander course. He served in an armored unit that participated in the conquest of the Sinai Peninsula during the Six-Day War, and was known as an excellent tank commander and a model armor man. He always excelled in a great professional capacity and meticulously and thoroughly fulfilled the tasks assigned to him. At the end of August 1968, Avraham was released from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the Armored Corps. In this unit he was called for periods of reserve duty. After his discharge he studied at Tel Aviv University and was admitted as a graduate in the chemical sciences. He continued to study at the Negev University in Be’er Sheva and at the Weizmann Institute of Science as a “Master of Science”. He also served as an assistant in the Department of Chemistry at the Negev University. In his fall, the path of a diligent and industrious student who was to become a scientist and researcher was cut short. During the Yom Kippur War, Avraham took part in the battles of containment and infiltration against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. In the battle that took place opposite the Firdan Bridge on the 13th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973), which was one of the most difficult and bitter in the entire campaign, Abraham’s tank was hit by the enemy’s artillery and he was killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Netanya. Survived by his parents, two sisters and a brother. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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