Hagavi, Avner

Hagavi, Avner

Son of Zakaria and Margalit. He was born on May 25, 1954 in Be’er Sheva. He studied at the Bar-Ilan elementary school in the city. Afterward, he studied at the vocational high school in Netivot, in the framework of mechanical frameworks, and completed his studies at the Neveh Eretz Yeshiva in Beer-Yaakov. Avner was a diligent and talented student. He loved Torah and religion very much, made sure to observe the commandments and sang a pleasant atmosphere to all those around him. Avner was drafted into the IDF in May 1973 and volunteered for the military chaplaincy, and after completing basic training, he took part in a kosher training course and was assigned to a field unit: “Avner was one of the best and most outstanding soldiers in our unit. His seriousness and dedication to the tasks assigned to him were exemplary, and for example we recognized him as a modest man of good and beloved proportions. When Avner was asked to move to a rear unit, where the conditions of service were most comfortable, Abner preferred to remain in his current unit, in the field unit, and insisted on this demand. “On the 25th of Tammuz 5765 (25.6.1975) Avner fell while serving in the north of the country. He was brought to the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva and left behind his parents, brothers and sisters, and his family donated a Torah scroll to his synagogue in Be’er Sheva.

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