Hadad, Shmuel (“Shmulik”)

Hadad, Shmuel (“Shmulik”)

Son of Binyamin and Aliza. He was born on April 1, 1951 in Haifa. His father died when Samuel was two years old and had a difficult childhood and years of neglect. Shmuel studied until the seventh grade at the Sinai School and completed his elementary studies at the Moriah School, both in Haifa. He then moved to the Amal vocational high school in Haifa where he completed a three-year course. The Amal school was well received and was very pleased. The teachers were also pleased with him. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement and was involved in regular activity in the club. He liked reading in books and doing all kinds of woodwork. He also liked to swim and ride horses. Before completing his studies at Amel, he studied the drawing profession for half a year, and before the time of his enlistment he had even managed to work in this profession for about half a year. Part of his salary would have been to help the house. Before his enlistment, his mother asked him to postpone his service until his older brother finished service, and asked him not to go to serve in the combat force because his brother was in combat. But he did not want to be a “jobnik” and said, “I have to fight, Mom, and you’ll be proud of me once.” He took great care of his mother and wanted her to look after herself (especially during illness). Shmuel would help her with housework after school and after work and make sure she was not disturbed when she was tired of her work. At the beginning of May 1969 he was drafted into the IDF, and Shmuel volunteered to join the Artillery Corps, but after that, he decided to join the Artillery Corps, where he learned that his mother, who worked at Rambam Hospital, volunteered to work for a week. From his great concern for her safety Shmuel did not allow her to leave, lest something happen to her. But she piled it up-and left. When he found out, he would ring every day to hear how she was. During his short service he was injured and sent to Rambam Hospital, where his mother worked, and tried to keep him from seeing him, so that he would not be worried. During his last vacation, he asked his mother to go to the city officer and ask him to take one of the brothers out of the canal and prepare for the wedding of his older brother and said, “What, I do not? Indeed, he was given a seven-day vacation, which, unlike his usual practice, came home wearing a uniform And on his return to the base he hugged his mother and kissed her: “How good it is for me here by you.” On the 20th of Adar 2, 5702 (March 20, 1970), two days after he was wounded, he died of his wounds. .

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