Hadad, Raphael (Rafi)

Hadad, Raphael (Rafi)

Was born on 10.1.1959 in Pardes Hanna, where Rafi studied at the Sharett Elementary School and graduated from the Meir Shfeya Youth Village High School. A young man was evident in the ropes of his love for nature, and in love he found a rich field of activity: Rafi set up a living corner with pigeons, rabbits, sheep, lamb and chickens, and played with animals after hours. Ninth grade, Rafi began to work in the orchards, and until 12th grade he stuck to this work and did not replace the other. Raphi was involved in all the social activities in the institution, and was fond of the boys and adults alike. A branch manager in the knowledge agriculture, that Rafi can be trusted, even during vacation or in reserve duty. Rafi participated in various committees in the village as part of the Executive Committee in Shfeya, and took a prominent part in the students’ leadership system. During the five years he studied in Shfeya, he went on a training course in Gadna. During this period, Rafi learned to drive a tractor, and with the money he saved from working on vacation, he learned to drive a truck. In 1977, Rafi enlisted in the IDF and was one of the organizers of the Nahal Brigade, which was to join Kibbutz Barkai. He was well integrated into society and work. Here too Rafi initiated and operated in every social field. He worked in cotton and fur, and during a period of manpower shortage, he worked continuously from morning to evening, canceling his vacation so that the branch would produce the expected crop. He also used to ride horses and connect with local Arabs. After completing his army service, Rafi traveled to Europe for one year and visited kibbutz members as volunteers from abroad, where he returned to the kibbutz for two months, worked with the watermelon pot and went abroad with a friend. The friend remained there, but Rafi missed and returned to Israel. He had not decided yet what would fit in here. A conscription order called him to Lebanon to serve in the paratroopers unit he belonged to. In the army, too, Rafi stood out for his devotion, his inner discipline and his adult approach to all the responsibilities he was given. Rafi fell on the 24th of Sivan, 5768 (January 6, 1982), when grenade launchers were cleaned up in the Ein Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon. Rafi was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Pardes Hannah. He was 23 years old when he died. He left behind a father and six brothers and sisters.

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