Hadad, Meir

Hadad, Meir

Meir, son of Fortuna and Joseph, was born on August 30, 1947, in Jarjish, Tunisia. When he was five years old, in 1952, Meir immigrated to Israel with his family and lived in Yavne’el, and after a year he moved to Moshav Berkiah, where he completed his elementary studies at the “Morasha” school and then went to school He studied in this school until the eleventh grade, and spent the last year of his studies at the agricultural school at Kibbutz Ein Tzurim. After graduating from high school, Meir went to study at the Teachers College in Givat Washington, at the Beit Midrash for Physical Education. Meir was an enthusiastic sports enthusiast, and this was expressed in the choice of his subject of study and occupation. He was an outstanding player in the local Elitzur basketball team in the village and took part in many sports competitions. Many friends learned malignant love for sport. He was most active in the social life of his peers and the village in general. He always attended parties and was the driving force behind them. Mostly Meir liked to organize trips. He also loved the very walk, the walk and the open air, the landscapes and the expanses. He organized many trips for his friends, where he always took care of everything necessary to the last detail, prepared everything himself, and did not even cook food. He also liked the friendship she shared with his beloved friends. After a while Meir was chosen to coordinate the club in the village. The electorate knew that he was the right person, in whose hands the youth could be deposited without fear, knowing that he would organize the needs efficiently. Meir managed to contact the youth, guide him and direct them in every field of action. He invested all his energy and eyes in the club and took care of every detail in the daily life of the house and its friends. Despite his energetic social and public activity, Meir was quiet and modest by nature. He never raised his voice at home and never quarreled with any of his friends. Together with his love of life and vitality, Meir was a very serious and thoughtful man. His mind was nourished by an inner source of self, for he never tried to imagine others and developed an original personality and an internal and independent interior. He was honest with himself and with his surroundings and his personality, and he always had confidence, both his friends and his apprentices and students. Meir had a deep fear of God, and religion guided him in the way of his life. He tried not to deviate from the path he had set for himself, he always kept the sanctity of the Sabbath and fulfilled mitzvos out of deep faith in his deeds and in full recognition of his correctness. Meir connected with his family and even with his sister’s family. His relationship with his brother was unique; he guided them all wisely, helped solve problems, and never refused them or rejected them when they turned to him. His willingness to help always applies to his relations with his many friends, and Meir was always willing to help them, both in the material and in the spiritual realm. Meir was drafted into the IDF in early August 1967 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served first as a tank driver and later as a tank gunner during the War of Attrition in the Golan Heights and in the Jordan Valley. After the liberation, Meir began to work in his profession as a teacher at the religious school “Mifat” in Kiryat Gat. He worked there as a general teacher and not as a teacher in his field of expertise – sports. As a teacher, Meir fulfilled all his duties in full, and even when he was required to work in the afternoons or evenings, he did so without any compensation. He saw youth education as a supreme value and strove to promote it. He tried to improve and improve, to organize society and create a way of life, to prevent deterioration, to fight for morality, and to care for the weak. The Yom Kippur War continuedTaf is fighting in the battles of containment and incursion against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. In the Battle of Um Butana, which took place on the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (19.10.1973), the battalion commander’s tank was hit and Meir was one of his fighters, and he was killed and brought to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. To the rank of sergeant, and after one of his friends wrote down: “In my opinion, Meir’s greatness is combined with two opposing qualities. Quiet on the one hand, and on the other being at the center of society. I’m not telling anyone that Meir was one of our active guys in every field … one of the best athletes in the village. He held the club with her knees for a long time, whole Saturdays … There was no trip in which he did not participate … On the other hand, there was also quiet. You never heard him shout. He could restrain himself. I do not remember a particular case, that he boasted or boasted … “His parents published a pamphlet in his memory, which included the words of friends about his character and his activities, a memorial was erected and a Torah scroll was donated by his family. .

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