Hachmon, Zion

Hachmon, Zion

Zion, son of Zola and Rahamim, was born in 1942 in Tripoli, Libya, and in 1949 immigrated to Israel with his family. He studied at the Bar-Ilan religious school in Kfar Saba, where he completed six years of study. Afterward, he continued his elementary studies at the Brenner School in Kfar Saba. His family had many children, suffered from financial distress during their first years in Israel. Zion, who wanted to study, was forced to seek work during the holidays and vacations in order to finance his studies. After graduating from elementary school, he decided to study the profession of the electric vehicle and enrolled in a course in the Armored Corps boarding school. He was a good and disciplined student, his grades in academic studies were high, and his achievements in electrical studies were good. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement in Kfar Saba; He was also a trainee in the Gadna air force and even completed a Gadna course. As a child, he liked to take care of animals and even raised vegetables and flowers. Zion was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in late 1959 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served in the army’s workshops and was a good soldier and an excellent professional, always striving to carry out his duties efficiently and meticulously. But after two years he decided to be independent, he bought a bicycle and a toolbox and began to work in a large garage, as an independent electrician, and later purchased an old jeep and later a newer car. He worked very well, was honest and gave good service to his clients. Until he reached the status of a successful independent electrician He went to reserve duty every time he was called, and when the Six Day War broke out, he was drafted and participated in the battles, after which he decided to take a trip to Europe, and traveled to Europe. In 1972, he married a wife and his eldest daughter was born in 1972. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Zion was drafted and sent to Sinai with his unit. On the 9 th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973), he fell while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Sava. He left behind a wife and daughter, parents, four brothers, and five sisters. After being shot down, he was given the rank of corporal.

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