Haber, Matityahu (Max) (“Matisse”)

Haber, Matityahu (Max) (“Matisse”)

Son of Zeev and Genia. He was born on October 15, 1943 in Lodz, Poland. It was in the midst of World War II. In 1952 Matityahu immigrated with his parents and younger brother to Australia. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement and later joined the Habonim youth movement. He attended high school in Melbourne as an agricultural machinery specialist and helped his parents in his farm throughout his spare time. Even when he was a boy Matityahu was ready to work for Israel and defend the country if war broke out and it would be necessary to help. This was the effect of his life in the ghetto as a child. He did not want to come today, and his people would have to endure the same hardships they had suffered during World War II. He dealt with Zionist work in Australia and carried out propaganda among the local youth. Before the Six-Day War, Matityahu volunteered to travel to Israel and fight in it – and when the invitation was received he left his home and his friends and went to the aid of the people and the land. In every letter Matityahu wrote to his parents, he expressed his pride in being in Israel and in his ability to work there. For thousands of volunteers Matityahu felt that the war in Israel was his war. He was chosen as a civilian volunteer to work in his profession together with the army, and one day he went to work in El Arish and during the time of his duty he was wounded and died of his wounds afterwards; This was on the 25th of Tammuz (2.8.1967) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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