Gul, Dan

Gul, Dan

Dan (Danny), son of Dina and Yehezkel, was born on September 30, 1948, in Jerusalem, during the shelling of the city. He attended elementary school and the religious high school in Jerusalem. Danny was a diligent student, diligent and disciplined. From his early childhood he has read and interested in many areas – in the field of economics and politics and in the field of innovations in science and technology. He was a member of the “Bnei Akiva” movement and later of the Scouts movement in the “Masuot” tribe, was a member of the Gadna youth movement and was trained in the course of shooting and he loved nature and its serenity and toured the country and explored its landscapes and sites. , Was enthusiastic about playing basketball, swimming, light athletics, and jumping on a trampoline.I was a music lover of all kinds, listened to the radio and records, and especially to Rubinstein’s piano, playing Chopin’s pieces. Aesthetically developed and his eye was open to see the Yaffa surroundings and the unusual appearance, and Tam As he was able to express himself in the photographs he took and in the paintings he painted, he also had the ability to express his language and his rich language. Because of his cheerful laugh and his surprising humor and because he was good and kind to his surroundings, and always ready to lend a hand to those who asked for his help: He was honest, honest and conscientious, and his attitude to life was serious and serious. He was a loyal son and devoted to his parents and respected them greatly. Dan was drafted into the IDF in early February 1967 and assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training, he completed a tank training course for the tank instructors and was a good soldier who was very dedicated and dedicated to his job. He taught courses for senior IDF commanders, including Motta Gur, who later became IDF Chief of Staff. His commanders liked him and his subordinates liked him. He was not meticulous about discipline but demanded precise execution. On Independence Day, on the eve of the Six-Day War, he participated in the parade in Jerusalem, and immediately afterwards was sent with his unit to the southern front. For his participation in the war in 1967 he was awarded the “Six Day War”. During the War of Attrition he fought on the banks of the Suez Canal, in the central sector. From those days he recounted his horrific experiences, including the fall of his close friends in the surprise shelling. After he was released from regular service, Danny made a big trip to England, the United States and Canada, and returned there full of experiences and impressions. Danny studied at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and was awarded a BA in Economics and Political Science. He was an economist at the Finance Ministry in Jerusalem, and was preparing to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for a master’s degree in economics. When the Yom Kippur War broke out Dan was drafted and sent with his unit to the front in Sinai. On the 22nd of Tishrei 5734 (October 22, 1973), Dan fell in a battle in the central sector of the Suez Canal, on the Misuri axis opposite the Chinese Farm, after sixteen days of cruel, bloody fighting. He excelled in fighting and hit enemy tanks and vehicles, and succeeded in destroying many of the Egyptian soldiers. The tanks they fought from were hit one after the other five times, and all were miraculously saved, until two bombs hit him and he was killed on the spot. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl. Survived by father, mother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. His friend tells of him that he “knew how to fight with great dedication and knowledge and to grant his peace of mind to my peopleHis team. “

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