Gueta, Amir

Gueta, Amir

Ben Noga and Eli. Amir was born in Pardes Hannah on the 11th of Cheshvan 5731 (11.11.1970). He attended the “Alonim” elementary school in Pardes Hannah and went on to the “Haklai” school, where he graduated from the army in February 1989. Amir was drafted into the IDF in February 1989, a special unit whose service is in the Occupied Territories. Amir served as a divisional sergeant for a year and a half, spent most of his service in the Bethlehem area, and Amir decided to study at the Ruppin College for pre-practical studies, He looked for challenges, similar to the unit in which he served in the IDF, preferring the “action” of sitting in front of the school table. Amir enlisted in the Israeli police station, and since he did not find enough interest there, he requested a transfer and was assigned to the drug division of the central unit in Tel Aviv, where he served for two years and participated in complex operations. Amir was successful in thwarting the kidnapping of the diamond merchant Asher Gertler and his daughter Keren, which was also the last operation he took part in. He also participated in many surveillance and detective activities in the center of the country, and so within a short period Amir was defined as one of the most prominent policemen. From his youth, Amir loved motorcycles, and the police rode a motorcycle as part of his job. His commanders described him as a proud and dedicated detective, outstanding and highly motivated, who always proved resourceful and committed. During his service, Amir was awarded the Police Medal of Honor. Sergeant Amir was killed in a motorcycle accident on 14 Nissan 5755 (April 13, 1995) while carrying out his duties. He was twenty-four years old when he fell. He was buried in the cemetery in Pardes Hannah.

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