Guamis, Mohammed

Guamis, Mohammed

Ben Munira and Othman. Was born on February 26, 1985, in the village of Beit Zarzir in the Jezreel Valley, to a large family whose sons serve in the security forces. Muhammad was a beautiful and successful child. He did his studies in his village, at the Zarzir Elementary School and at the Amal Zarzir High School. Was an outstanding student who loved to learn and enrich his knowledge. From the kindergarten until the twelfth grade he did not miss a single school day, and Muhammad’s concern for his family always stood at the top of his mind: he was a strong and strong guy, and was active in sports. He liked to swim in the sea and ride horses, and when he grew older, he became very interested in motorcycles, surrounded by many friends with whom he loved to laugh and be entertained. On 3 December 2003, he was drafted into the Border Police, and after completing his basic training at Michmas, he arrived at the company platoon of the “Harish” company of the Northern Border Police unit and served as a driver’s fighter. Muhammad participated in extensive operational activity on the seam line to prevent hostile terrorist activity. He was fond of his friends and comrades in the company, and always willing to help them. During his service, he went to a squad commanders’ course, and at the end was appointed commander of the Northern Border Police. More than once he spoke of his desire to advance in the corps. Second Sergeant Muhammad Guamis fell during his service on December 12, 2004, while making his way to his unit in Tiberias. He was nineteen when he fell. He was brought to eternal rest in his village, Beit Zarzir, in a police ceremony. He left behind his parents, a brother – Husam, and three sisters – Sahar, Tahrir and Aya.

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