Gross, Yosef

Gross, Yosef

Yosef, son of Shoshana and Israel, was born on 24 January 1952 in Hadera and attended elementary schools in Beit Hanania and Binyamina, and at the ORT high school in Netanya. He was a good student and acceptable to his friends. From his youth he was very sociable and always surrounded by children his own age. He was gifted with leadership skills and natural authority and was active in a youth movement. When he grew up he devoted a lot of time to activities and training in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed organization, and for six years he was a counselor in Moshav Beit Hanania and in the region. He was also an athlete and even played for the moshav’s soccer team. Joseph was blessed with many talents and excelled in painting and drawing. At the ORT school he received a certificate of excellence for his third year of studies. He was a good son and devoted to his parents, always helping them and giving them respect and love. Even in his youth he was known as a boy who could always be trusted. He was good at organizing things, treating his brothers and sisters wisely, and bringing gifts to them. He loved the moshav and wanted to build a farm there. His love for the moshav was illustrated by his training and hiking. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in August 1970 and assigned to the Golani Brigade, after completing his basic training course and was sent to train soldiers at a training base. His commanders insisted on his excellent qualities and sent him to the officers’ course. After completing the course successfully, he was appointed platoon commander and eventually was appointed deputy company commander and reached the rank of lieutenant. He was an excellent officer, responsible, punctual and enterprising, kind to his commanders and subordinates alike. Soldiers remember him as a strict commander and demand a lot, but at the same time take care of his people, taking care of their welfare and rights. On vacations from the army, when he came home, Yosef helped his father with the work of the building on the moshav and helped his brothers and younger sisters in their studies. He loved the whole family, he used to visit his grandparents, but most of all he admired the father of the grandmother, who was the first of his great-grandchildren. Joseph liked army life and when he came to vacation he used to sit with his parents and family and tell them about his life experiences in the army. His stories were full of joy, without complaints. More than once he gave up his Sabbath break so that others could go on holiday. During the Yom Kippur War, Yosef served in the Golani Brigade in the Golan Heights. He took part in the bloody battles, when his forces were forced to stop the waves of Syrian attacks. On October 9, 1973, he was killed and killed while attacking a Syrian commando force near the Naafah camp in the Golan Heights. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Binyamina. Survived by his parents and five brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to captain. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Joseph’s commander wrote that he fought bravely, bravely, with dedication and sacrifice. His parents and the Beit Hanania family published a pamphlet in his memory, containing the words of friends about his character.

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