Gross, Shmayahu

Gross, Shmayahu

Shmayahu, son of Pesia and Mordechai Gross, was born on March 7, 1913 in the city of Khost, Carpatho, to a well-to-do family, devout in its religion. He attended an elementary school, but for religious reasons he left and went to study in the yeshiva in Chust. Shmayahu was drawn to the difficult pioneer life in the country and in 1930, when he was 17, he immigrated as a tourist and stayed in Israel. At first he worked as an agriculturist in Bat Shlomo and in Neve Yaakov, and later lived in Jerusalem. He also worked as an electrician in Herzliya, and finally settled in Hibat Zion. Shmayahu married the couple had two children, but his wife died in her prime. His character was marked by fear of G-d, love of the homeland and his orphans. During the years 1936-1939, Shmayahu was active in the Haganah as the village guard. In 1947, he volunteered for active duty and was sent to a sappers’ course in Netanya. From there he went to Bat Shlomo, where he was sent to besieged Jerusalem and participated in its defense. On the 19th of Nissan, April 28, 1948, while on a tour between Moza and Jerusalem, he stepped on a mine and was killed. Shmayahu was buried in Sanhedria. He left behind a son and a daughter. On the 25th of Elul 5711 (26.9.1951), Shmayahu was transferred to the military cemetery in Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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