Grohman, Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Grohman, Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Son of Moshe and Rebecca. Was born on January 6, 1952 in the Morasha neighborhood of Jerusalem, and when he was four years old, his parents moved to the Sanhedria neighborhood, graduating with honors from the Sokolov Elementary School and continuing with the Jerusalem high school. Yitzhak enlisted in the IDF in October 1969 and joined as a soldier in a free service to the agriculture where the nucleus went. Worked in an orchard and fodder and began to work as a novice gardener. On 7 Kislev (16/11/1969) he fell in his service. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and after his fall, a booklet in his memory was published on behalf of Kibbutz Gaash.

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