Greenboim, Yitzhak (Moritz)

Greenboim, Yitzhak (Moritz)

Yitzhak (Moritz), son of Breindel and Yechezkel Greenboim, was born in September 1916 in the village of Yarip, Romania (West Transylvania). At the age of twenty, he was drafted into the Romanian navy and served there in land services. In 1940, he was drafted together with all the young Jews to a labor battalion. When he returned home at the end of the war, he did not find his family and later learned that his parents and two of their children perished in the Auschwitz camp. In 1945 he directed a 300-member training group in Timisoara and he and some of his friends immigrated to Israel that same year on the illegal immigration route.
He joined the Avuka group in the Beit She’an Valley, and when he married at the end of 1946, he settled in Netanya and worked in construction. Yitzhak volunteered at the start of the War of Independence and served in one of the battalions in the Alexandroni Brigade. On the 10th of Tammuz 5707 (17.7.1948) he fell on the front in Lod-Ramle and was brought to eternal rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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