Greenberger, Zvi

Greenberger, Zvi

The youngest son of Fassil and David was born on the 19th of Tevet 1926 (1926) in the village of Kolocha, in the Carpatho-Russian part of the Marmaros district (then in Czechoslovakia). His father received a “ordination” for the rabbinate, but did not do his Torah as an ax to dig into it and became an agricultural merchant. Zvi studied in a government elementary school and in the “Hadarim” and absorbed a Zionist atmosphere from his childhood, from the meetings and lessons in Hebrew conducted by the “Bnei Akiva” branch in the village (where dozens of Jewish families lived in the Marmarosh district) and his parents’ Israel, and especially since his older brother had immigrated in the 1930s. He signed up for the Youth Aliya on behalf of his movement, and his mother, who was already a widow and her other sons scattered, was overcome by threats of suicide and crying. On Passover, he was informed of his arrival and when he traveled to Budapest to join the convoy, he was rejected at the last minute and forced to return home to the mockery of the neighboring gentiles, after six months he was informed that his turn had arrived. This time he did not reject him and after a land journey through Constanza, Turkey and Syria arrived via Rosh Hanikra on May 14, 1941, to Haifa, he kissed the Jews. Her land, was wet with tears and her “Shehecheyanu.” After a short rest at the home of his older brother in Jerusalem he studied and worked three times He was devoted to education and training work among young immigrants from various countries and was very fond of them, and in the youth society he looked cheerful and full of confidence and faith, As a member of his family and many of his friends from his childhood and the masses of the House of Israel who perished in the Great Holocaust and his anger over the oppressive regime in our country, During his work in the field of education, he frequently wrote educational books in order to perfect his work and acquired a reputation as an educator in the highest sense. He was temporarily transferred to the “Yakir” institution in Kfar HaRoeh and afterward to permanent work at the children’s home near the “Mizrahi” girls’ home in Jerusalem, where he participated in Hagana training and was trained in a machine gun, mortar and sabotage. Yitzhak, in the Hebron hills, where one of his brothers lived, hid his activities in the Haganah, hiding from his brothers, so that they would not try to soften his Lev in their anxiety for his wellbeing. In the “Moriah” regiment, but he did not stop his ties with his friends, when they appeared between them during the Tu Bishvat holiday of 1948, which due to the state of emergency passed without plantings, Told them in his speech: “Let us say this to our land, for we have not forgotten it, for it is not our fault that we do not plant trees. She too must know this, because she absorbs almost every day the warm blood of our brethren who want to flourish. “Zvi took part in the first convoy to Gush Etzion and other convoys on the way to Castel, and when he was few days away he was furious and bitter When he wrote a friend from his place of service, he warned him in the letter of reply that he would refrain from chattering military secrets in speech and in writing: “And in my death on the battlefield, between the alleys of a city or in the mountains, death will find me, A tear from your eyes do not drop! Secretly, unobserved, they passed me over to the Mount of Olives and Regev after Regev on top of the Philo, and at the end of the deed, and revealed their torment, return to your work and be silent.Harishu. “On the 6th of Iyar 5708, the day after the fall of Gush Etzion, fearing the fate of his three brothers who fought in the Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and Kfar Darom regions, they responded to his request and he was sent by reinforcements to the Old City. In the farewell letter he left at his brother’s house, he again demanded that he not be saddened if he fell in battle, wrote instructions regarding the division of his estate (books) and the payment of his debts from the sums owed him. On the 12th of Iyar, 5708, he was wounded by shrapnel and heard at the hospital that was next to the Bren machine gun. He fell back to the post and continued to fight. On the 24th of Iyar 5708 (May 24, 1948), when the Bren had to be transferred to the “trap” position, he insisted that he himself go with the machine gun, and from there he constantly sprayed enemy soldiers and prevented them from approaching the building and blowing it up, Until he was hit by a machine gun bullet in his head and died. He was buried in the Old City of Jerusalem. On the 26th of Tammuz 5727 (June 3, 1967)) was brought to rest on the Mount of Olives.

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