Greenberg, Rivka (Ricky)

Greenberg, Rivka (Ricky)

Daughter of Hava and Shlomo, was born on March 7, 1963 in Afula. Ricki grew up in Bat Yam, where she completed her studies, first at Nachshonim Elementary School, and later at Ramot High School in the biological track. About Ricky’s period of education, her teachers said: She was an excellent student, diligent, diligent, active in social life. She joined the Young Settler movement and was one of the pillars of the Nahal paramilitary group to which she belonged. With every Lev she devoted herself to the idea of ​​settlement. In a life of equality and equality, the kibbutz saw a pioneering ideal and personal fulfillment. Soon the leaders of the movement and Nahal chose it for the role of Nahal training. Her devotion and enthusiasm for the idea she believed in made her one of the best counselors. Her commanders said about her: “She was a nature reserve, a wonderful, talented, motivated young wife who was already a mature person with a maturity, values ​​and ideals of the kind that the Yaffa Land of Israel knows how to bring out. There was something about her from the Palmach generation and from the spirit of youth that he founded and built the country. “In November 1981, Ricki enlisted in the IDF and served in the Nachal group, which was designated Kibbutz Meitzar, a kibbutz that started out in the Golan Heights. On September 14, 1983, Riki left the Golan after a day’s work at Kibbutz Tzora in the Jerusalem corridor, in order to guide a Nahal group, Mitzrayim, whose work was delayed, her hosts asked her to stay overnight, but she said, “There is a workday tomorrow,” and she set out at midnight, and there was an accident near Mechula. She was buried at the military cemetery in Holon, where she left behind her parents, brother and sister, and wrote her in a letter of condolence to her family: “Upon her death the Nahal lost a dedicated soldier, . A lecture hall was established in the Ramot school in Daughter of-Yam, where she studied. In addition, two scholarships were awarded to outstanding students, one to an outstanding student in the biological track and the other to an outstanding student in social activities. Two groves were planted in her memory: in the Son of Shemen forest and Kibbutz Mitzzer in the Golan Heights. Her family published an elegant book, which is a kind of “life like this.” The book describes the wonderful character of Ricky as a student, as an apprentice, as an educator and as an idealistic young wife with special personality qualities

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