Graus, David

Graus, David

Son of Pinchas and Malka. He was born on 16 October 1951 in Haifa. His parents underwent all the horrors of the Holocaust and all their family members perished. When the father came to Israel he was drafted into the IDF and was privileged to participate in the War of Independence, the Sinai Campaign and even the Six-Day War, when David was six years old and the family moved from Tel Hanan, near Haifa, to Moshav Ein Ayala on the Carmel coast. He studied at the regional elementary school in Nir Etzion and the agricultural high school in Kfar Galim, but he did not complete his agricultural studies and went to study at the Amal vocational school in Hadera and was one of his students. He loved sports, especially swimming, and excelled as a swimmer and a sportsman Rim and monotonous work and began to look for challenges. He was listening to the stories thirst soldiers who fought in the Six Day War and began to devote much thought to military service. David was drafted into the IDF in early February 1970 and volunteered for the paratroopers corps. Military life shaped his character and instilled confidence in him. From the day he was drafted he was quiet. He served faithfully and not much to boast about his experiences from the army. When he met with his friends, who appreciated him very much, he smiled optimistically, for which the boys loved him so much. During his service he excelled as a soldier who was always ready to do everything he could for the cause he believed in. He was very satisfied with the service, for he always wanted to give the homeland his Lev. He was very proud of the department in which he served until he was awarded the rank of corporal when he finished his commanding course. David did not have time to serve for a long time and on 24 May 1972 he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. The commander of the base wrote about David as follows: “David came to us, to the paratroopers, as a volunteer, out of a strong desire to be at the forefront of the IDF. Indeed, from the moment he reached us, he stood out as a serious and responsible soldier, with excellent physical fitness and strong will and character. David went through all the difficult training stages with us and worked with his company in various lines during the period of attrition. David was one of the pillars of the company and completed the course successfully, and among the many in the company he was chosen to be the commander of a new generation who volunteered for the paratroopers – and we saw David in his greatness, a teacher and exemplary coach. “His parents published a booklet in his memory called” David Graus “.

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