Grafin, Gad (Bobs)

Grafin, Gad (Bobs)

Born in Vienna, Austria, immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1938. He participated in the courses as commander of the Ramat Yohanan battles, the liberation of Haifa, the conquest of Acre, the liberation of the Western Galilee and the battles near Jenin. After serving several rounds, he was transferred to serve as deputy company commander and participated in battles in the Western Galilee. During the first truce, his battalion was called upon to assist the garrison in the village of Birwa. The village of Birwa and the three outposts next to it were held by our forces. On the afternoon of June 23, the Kaukji forces and local Arabs attacked the village and forced the force to retreat. At night, a force from the Carmeli brigade organized and at dawn on June 24 attacked against one of the outposts, but his attempts to conquer the village failed. During the day the battle continued and the Carmeli forces repelled enemy attacks on the outpost they held. At night the force was reinforced, attacked again and managed to conquer the village and the outposts. A platoon commanded by Gad seized a front post south of the village. Because of the enemy’s assault on better forces, Gad was ordered to withdraw from his platoon to an adjacent outpost, and while covering his retreating men he was hit by an enemy bullet in the head and fell on the 17th of Sivan 5708 (24.6.1948). Gad was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. After his fall, he was promoted to First Lieutenant (lieutenant).

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