Gozlan, Chaim

Gozlan, Chaim

Chaim, son of Rachel and Shlomo, was born in 1937. In Morocco, when he was a child, his family immigrated to Israel, where he was educated and attended elementary school, and grew up in a family of five brothers and four sisters. Was not big enough for everyone to have a corner of his own, and in such an atmosphere it was difficult to concentrate on his studies, especially because because of his studies, Haim could not work and help support the family. He decided to go to work immediately after completing compulsory studies at the elementary school and to help his parents Even though he was a difficult child, he was optimistic and cheerful, and there was always a smile of benevolence on his face, and he would greet everyone warmly, and his friends never remembered seeing him angry or involved in quarrels. He was always pleasant and courteous, he loved people and loved to help them, and even without being asked, he always offered his help, stubbornly and persistently, he would carry out every task and never assume an interest that did not bring him to an end. head. Everywhere he worked, he was praised for his seriousness and perseverance. His superiors were never afraid to entrust him with tasks that required responsible and dedicated care. He also knew how to listen to people who were patient with genuine interest in them and their problems. No wonder many asked to come and talk to him about their lives, their troubles or their aspirations. He and his brothers and sisters had a unique relationship. They often spent time together and were always his most intimate friends. Chaim had a great love for his mother and was cautious in his father’s honor. In all his actions and behavior he brought only respect and appreciation to his family. He continued to help the family until he was called up for regular service. Haim was drafted into the IDF at the end of October 1955 and assigned to the Signal Corps, and after completing basic training he was able to complete his education at a special course at the Marcus Military School. After completing the course successfully and obtaining a driver’s license for a truck, he was assigned to a liaison corps unit as a driver. He had fulfilled all the duties entrusted to him with devotion and seriousness, as he had done in civil life. His diligence and dedication earned him many praise from his various commanders, and he quickly became fond of his comrades-in-arms. Many of them knew well and had strong friendships. After being released from regular service, he married his girlfriend Miriam. He was discovered to be a good husband, honest and understanding that he loved his wife and had established a model family with her. During the fourteen years of their marriage, Miriam gave birth to four sons: Shlomo, the eldest, followed by Ilan, Yossi and Tal. He spent all his spare time with his wife and children and had no more pleasure than playing soccer with his sons. Haim also succeeded in his work and progressed quickly. He began working for Felix as a driver and after his superiors insisted on his honesty and diligence, he was transferred to a new car department. At his own initiative he began to study English and also passed professional courses, and thus progressed in his positions in the company and eventually reached the rank of service consultant. During the Yom Kippur War, Haim took part in the battles of containment against the Egyptians in the Sinai, and then continued to fight in the battles to the West Bank of the Suez Canal. On the 24th of Tishrei 5734 (22.10.1974), he was hit and killed by heavy shelling on the bridge that our forces set up on his way to cross the canal. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife, four sons, parents and nine brothers and sisters. After they fell, he was brought upMultiplayer Regiment.

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