Gottlieb, Chaim

Gottlieb, Chaim

The only son of Feiga and Yosef was born on January 18, 1932 in Tel Aviv, and after completing his studies in elementary school, he went on to study at the Tel Aviv High School for Commerce and went to study radio technicians in the school He was a cheerleader and a sports fan from his childhood and fourth grade, when he was 10 years old, when he was awarded the first prize in target practice.In the beginning of the War of Independence he was accepted by the Haganah, His only desire was to become a combat soldier and joined the Irgun underground. Where they first employed him in auxiliary services to the combat forces, in clearing weapons, and then taught him drivers and drills. He joined the IDF in the battles of Rosh Ha’Ayin, and when he joined the Irgun in the Shephelah, the IDF added one year to his age and was also accepted into the Israel Defense Forces, volunteering to serve as a wireless operator on the front of Ramle. (June 2, 1948), when a force attacked his squad in the front position, he called for help, while he and his comrades stopped the enemy until they ran out of their bullets. And fell in his blood on his machine gun, and he and his friends allowed, under their fire cover, the withdrawal of 58 members and their rescue. Jim. And his life brought Lmnoht- to rest in a mass grave in the military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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