Gottesman, Yaron

Gottesman, Yaron

Son of Leslie and Asher, was born on May 20, 1966 in Rehovot, where Yaron and his family moved to Ramat Hasharon, where Yaron and his family spent several years in the United States. Yaron was in Ramat Hasharon in the “Amirim” elementary school, then went on to the junior high school “Alumim” and the Rotberg Comprehensive High School, where he graduated from the biological track. In 1979-1983, he volunteered to work and help at the Magen David Adom branch in Herzliya, where he liked to write poems, and as a child he read things he wrote in Ma’ariv LeNoar. He was a fan of nature and traveled extensively with friends in the Golan Heights, the deserts of Judea, the Sinai and the Negev, and in August 1984, Yaron was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for the Givati ​​Brigade. Yaron was a good soldier, loyal, devoted and responsible. He wanted to play a useful role, to exploit his skills and motivation, and so he asked, demanded, and succeeded in taking a paramedics course, a course at the end of which he intended to return to the company. He aspired to be a combat medic, a role in which he could combine a contribution on the battlefield with help for a friend in times of trouble. On February 16, 1985, Yaron fell while serving. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind his parents, brother and sister. After his death, his direct commander wrote: “Some things to me, Yaron, that you are no longer in. Four months to meet you, a man with energy, a soldier who wanted to be a paramedic, is sent to a paramedics course, not only because you wanted and insisted, I knew and knew who Yaron Gottesman was, that disciplined, highly motivated guy, the guy who impressed everyone, the guy whose classmates testified that he helped the weak soldiers and encouraged their spirit. , We expected you to finish the course and return to the company … Yaron, we are missing and lacking, we will always remember you, your place is not! Bowed to us. ” Another friend wrote: “We never heard the word ‘no’ from Yaron … He was shy and humble and volunteered for every job … Yaron was a beloved and beloved guy. He was not a prominent person on trips, and when he was hard he gritted his teeth and continued and even helped and pushed every friend who had difficulty. When he received packages from home, he took the letter and distributed the contents of the packages among the members … I remember a number of cases in which the late Yaron came to my aid … One of them I must tell. One night my Ranger tent broke up and I had nowhere to sleep, and then Yaron called me to come to sleep with him and two other friends in his tent, suitable for only two people. Such was Yaron “

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