Gorodiski, Alexander

Gorodiski, Alexander

Son of Aryeh. He was born and educated in Egypt and reached a senior position in Alexandria. During the First World War, when the battalion of Jewish mule drivers was established in Alexandria, Alexander joined him in leaving a great deal of relief behind him. He immediately stood out for his military skills and was elevated to the rank of officer. The battalion commander Peterson describes him as one of the best and most beloved men in the battalion. He was known for his love of music. Together with his unit, he went to fight in Gallipoli, where he fell sick and on his way to the hospital in Egypt, on the 9th of Tishrei 5619 (September 11, 1915) And in Peterson’s book “With the Zionists in Gallipoli.” In an investigation conducted in 2017, it was found that the place of commemoration cHellescMemorialc indicates the location of the grave cAddendacPanelc Rank cSecondcLieutenant Space is a macaloon – a space whose burial place is unknown

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